45 Days Challenge: Get Rid of Dark Circles under Eyes

Face Yoga
3 min readFeb 14, 2022


Face Yoga For Dark Circles

Those who suffer from dark circles and puffiness around the eyes may find facial yoga incredibly useful. Not only are your eyes the windows to your heart, but they are also the windows to your health! Dark circles and swollen eyes, on the other hand, make you appear tired and under the weather. No matter how good your skincare routine is, having dark circles and puffiness around the eyes will always make your face look lifeless.

Isn’t it aggravating? But there’s nothing that facial yoga can’t fix! Although it may take slightly longer to see improvements, you will notice long-term benefits to your under-eye area if you practice facial yoga regularly. Face Yoga For Dark Circles is convenient because it can be done anywhere and at any time. It will just take you 15 minutes out of your day to practice.

Try these three face yoga movements 45 days challenge to help you get rid of dark circles and puffiness around your eyes:

Remove your dark circles by tapping them away.

Put your index and middle fingers on the inner side of your eye socket. Gently press for 5 to 10 seconds. After that, lightly tap the under-eye area. Trace the region in a circular motion from inside to outside, stopping just above your brows. As part of your facial yoga program, do 10 to 15 repetitions of this. The tapping action will enhance blood circulation in the area, lighten dark circles and make your under-eye area appear more youthful and healthy.

To get rid of puffiness, use the victory sign.

  • With your index and middle fingers, make a victory sign. Place your index and middle fingers on the outer and inner corners of your eyes, respectively. You’ll have to do this exercise for both eyes simultaneously. Press your fingers down with light pressure and glance up with your eyes.
  • The trick is that you can’t make your brow wrinkle up. So, even while you’re gazing up, make sure your brow is perfectly smooth. Slightly squint your eyes and hold for at least 10 seconds. You will not feel puffiness if you do this three times a day.

The eyes circling

  • Massage the under-eyes with the index fingers of both hands from inside to out in this workout. Apply gentle pressure to the fingers. You can either keep your eyes open or close them while doing this workout. Perform this exercise for two to three minutes.
  • The skin on your face tightens as a result of doing face yoga. And why does it appear differently on different people’s skin? It also removes dark circles and pits from the face.

Get a Hook in your eyes.

  • Face yoga works wonders under the eye hook, but it must be done correctly. The initial step in this exercise is to bend both of your index fingers and place them beneath your eye in the same position. After that, wipe them in the same place and lift and tuck them in the same way.
  • You must repeat these procedures precisely as written a total of 20 times. You should do this practice every day for the optimum effects, but at the very least once every three days. And your dark circles will start to fade to a significant amount.

The wrapping up

When you execute the above Face Yoga To Reduce Dark Circles daily, you will notice a reduction in your dark circles as well as a smoothing of the strange puffiness around your eyes. As mentioned above, exercises are beneficial in giving radiant skin and eliminating the puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Yoga has been helpful and scientifically proven to smoothen the under dark eyes circles in just weeks if done correctly and consistently.



Face Yoga
Face Yoga

Written by Face Yoga

Face Yoga app is the leading platform of facial exercise programs for men or women. Visit our website: https://faceyoga.com/

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